Here is what we will be working on this week:
- phonics: commas (between the date and the year, after the year in a sentence, in a sequence of items in a sentence, and after the opening and closing of a letter)
- phonics: extra blends (dw and tw)
- phonics: test on lessons 17-22 on Wednesday
- phonics: the San Francisco Zoo rule (also known as the Floss Rule)
- phonics: special vowels (ll, ng, nk)
- writing: writing about Habits 5 & 6
- writing: September writing prompt (write about your family)
- writing: What is a complete sentence?
- writing: nouns & verbs
- science: seasonal weather patterns
- science: collecting and analyzing temperature data
- comprehension: continue reading Friends Around the World
- comprehension: begin reading The House on Maple Street
- math: even (can be paired into equal groups) and odd (has one leftover)
- math: doubles
- math: place value
- math: expanded form
- math: word form (writing numbers using words)
We have a super busy week with lots of learning going on!